Thrive+ is an extension of Thrive magazine, which was founded in India as an LGBTIQ advocacy e-magazine that compiled stories from around the world and provided a voice to the voiceless. They have now expanded to dealing with issues pertaining to gender and sexuality as well as into other countries including Sri Lanka, Haiti, and Singapore.
They promote advocacy and;
- Spread awareness on controversial issues that are seldom discussed due to taboo and cultural stigma.
- Tell the stories of youth from around the world who have struggled or are struggling with their lives, providing a forum for expression.
- Organize projects that raise funds for a cause or an associated charity.
Thrive+ hopes to create an environment that fosters equality and kindness, welcoming those regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, size or race. Each life has the potential to inspire change. Thrive is a forum to share your stories, ideas, and messages to inspire youth from around the world. All our lives are magical kaleidoscopes of memories, experiences, and learnings. Through personal testimonials, interviews, and messages from across the globe, we wish to put these kaleidoscopes out it the world for all to look through and realize that giving up is not the answer.
Sri Lankan Chapter
Thrive+ is a functioning e-magazine and has an active blog.
In mid-June, they are hoping to partner with other women’s and child’s rights organizations to organize an event under the theme of sex-education. It will consist of an awareness campaign via videos, photo shoots, leaflets, posters and social media, an event at which guest speakers and experts will attend and speak, which will be followed by an open mic and entertainment items with performances aligned with the theme of gender, sexuality, and empowerment. Tickets will be sold for the event and stalls are expected to set up; funds will be donated to a home for abuse victims to hire a counselor and purchase necessities.
Volunteer Responsibilities
- Writers’ tasks are incredibly flexible. They allow you to write on any issue, personal or universal under the theme of gender and sexuality. Once a month a list of article topics will be suggested and writers can volunteer as to which topic they want to address or can write on a topic they came up with on their own after approval.
- Social Media Managers are responsible for designing picture posts and captions for particular events, blog posts, sharing relevant articles and related news items.
- Home bakers/cooks, restaurant/cafe owners, clothes and accessory shop owners will be contacted prior to an event which they require stalls for or to co-operate with a project such as their ‘Rainbow’ goodies Project for Pride Month. Bakers donated their funds from rainbow cake items to the non-profit organization Equal Grounds.
- Graphic designers are required to create logos, posters, t-shirt and sticker designs, perhaps in collaboration with the social media manager or independently.
- Volunteers to organize projects (find sponsors, vendors for stalls, logistics, etc)
Other than writers and social media managers, all other volunteers can join Thrive+ on a project basis rather than permanent basis.
Benefits To Volunteers
The discussion of issues pertaining to gender and sexuality is yet to be normalized in Sri Lankan society. Rape victims are subdued, boys grow up burdened by the pressure of masculine prowess, and the LGBTIQ community is still marginalized. Volunteering for Thrive+ will open your eyes to the world unlike before, vicariously experiencing events from around the world as you write about them or take part in projects that help to address them. It will look exceptional on your CV, but beyond that you will find your existing skills developing, but also find yourself developing new skills, including networking, working with different kinds of people, learning various ways to deal with sensitive topics. You will find yourself becoming a better leader, a better member of your community, all for being a part of localized activism in a globalized scheme.
To Apply, click here.
Email Ashanee Kottage, Country Coordinator for more details.