Women Without Borders (WWB) is looking for an energetic research person who will be able to scour the internet for appropriate content for their web page. The guidelines for the content are very specific thus not terribly easy to find, thus the need for help. WWB is a space for bearing witness to women’s stories. The organization strives to expose challenging and inspiring stories from women, from around the world to aspire female leadership to overcome challenges of the community.
Anyone, irrespective of age, gender, or location can apply for this position. They will have to find material relating to a woman’s story that;
- Is told from first person perspective.
- Is using their own words.
- Ideally has captions already on it. This is not necessary but very helpful.
- Is less than 3 minutes.
- Does not solicit for an organization/NGO/ etc. This is only about the woman’s story. While the story she may want to tell can have something to do with an organization we cannot promote other people’s work. We can only tell first person stories.
- Ideally the stories to bring forth for consideration come from a wide range of cultural backgrounds. We have members in 191 countries and are working to be inclusive to all. We notice English, while often not the first language, is often the 2nd or 3rd language so English is the ideal language but if the media is spoken in another language and captioned in English that works as well too.
If you’re interested, contact Lela from WWB.